


aman_kyoto_japan Aman Kyoto, Japan - Executive Chef Takagi


高木主厨在石川县金泽市出生长大,曾在著名的怀石料理餐厅京都吉兆接受过培训。1996 年,他回到家乡,为自己的家族餐厅钱屋赢得了米其林二星荣誉——这一荣誉保持至今。在鹰庵餐厅,他的美食艺术达到了最完美的境界。


秉承 Koetsu 的传统,高木主厨像艺术家挑选调色板一样挑选食材,然后精心烹制菜肴,将京都的时令食材变成美食艺术品。



  • 午餐:中午 12:00 - 下午 3:00(最后点餐时间:下午 1:00)
  • 晚餐:下午 5:30 至晚上 10:00(最后点单时间:晚上 8:00) 



  • ¥20,000


  • ¥40,000

5th Anniversary Lunch "Takagamine Chakai"

2 & 3 November 2024

To mark our fifth anniversary, Aman Kyoto invites you to the Takagamine Chakai, a unique tea gathering inspired by the historic local Takagamine area. This special event will take place in an intimate setting limited to just 10 guests each day. Celebrate five years with an exclusive Kaiseki lunch and innovative Japanese tea shisha experience and savour an unparalleled autumn moment in Aman Kyoto's forest garden, as its foliage begins to glow in vibrant shades of red, yellow and orange. 

aman-kyoto-taka-an-crab aman-kyoto-taka-an-crab

Snow Crab Kaiseki

10 November - The End of January

On November 6, crab fishing is permitted once more and to make the most of this seasonal specialty, Taka-an will offer a 9-course Crab Kaiseki menu, which showcases the snow crab for a true taste of winter.

With a focus on sourcing the freshest ingredients, we carefully select the best catch the day from five famous fishing ports including Tango in the Kyoto Prefecture and Sanin in the Hyogo Prefecture. The crab is then carefully cooked using methods that maximise the natural flavour – such as roasting and steaming. Guests are also invited to try female snow crab – a delicacy renowned for its excellent flavour. 

To add to the theatre, the restaurant’s chefs will prepare crab and the 9 kaiseki dishes in front of the guests. Baked in front of the customer using Bincho charcoal, the roasted crab can be prepared to the customer's taste, with the concentrated heat condensing the flavour, removing moisture and leaving behind plenty of fragrance. Other dishes include steam crab, with a rich crab miso, and crab rice cooked with the stock of crab shells.

¥98,000 per person 

  • Reservation can be accepted from two persons or more 
  • Three days advance booking is required 
  • From 29 December 2024 to 8 January 2025, it will be not available due to the closure of fish market  


3 月 1 日至 11 月 7 日







  • 电话:+81 75 496 1335

  • 晚餐:下午 6:00 至晚上 10:00(最后点单时间晚上 8:00)

  • 午餐:中午 12:00 至下午 3:00