中国丽江 云南群山之处 大研安缦坐落于狮子山顶,俯瞰世界教科文组织世界遗产地丽江古镇蜿蜒的街巷与河道,是探索云南自然风光与文化遗产的静谧住所。酒店及其宁静的水疗中心位于优雅的木质建筑中,沿袭纳西族建筑风格,坐拥开阔的视野,玉龙雪山始终在天际线处静静守候。 Previous下一个 Previous下一个Accommodation Villas & Suites Opening onto or overlooking peaceful courtyards, the light-filled Villas and Suites feature Nakhi embroidery and hand-carved screens. 康体养生 太极艺术 练习被联合国教科文组织誉为中国非物质文化遗产的太极,通过缓慢、优美的动作将意念集中。详情探索体验 回溯过去 丽江古镇以纳西族建筑以及错综复杂的运河系统和桥梁而闻名,为联合国教科文组织世界遗产地。详情餐饮享受 缦逸轩 大研安缦中餐厅缦逸轩提供室内外用餐区域,视野开阔,名副其实的“曼妙幽静、闲情逸致”。详情 exclusive Offer Meet the Dragon Whisked up to 4,506 metres via cable car, you will experience the 13 peaks of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain up close and personal before exploring the evocatively named valleys between them with a personal guide.Discover moreexclusive Offer Undiscovered Lijiang Set atop Lion Hill overlooking Lijiang’s Old Town, Amandayan offers guests staying two nights or more a range of exclusive privileges.Discover more 安缦推荐 中国北京 颐和安缦 中国杭州 法云安缦 中国上海 养云安缦 Previous 下一个 Back to all Aman destinations
Previous下一个Accommodation Villas & Suites Opening onto or overlooking peaceful courtyards, the light-filled Villas and Suites feature Nakhi embroidery and hand-carved screens.
exclusive Offer Meet the Dragon Whisked up to 4,506 metres via cable car, you will experience the 13 peaks of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain up close and personal before exploring the evocatively named valleys between them with a personal guide.Discover more
exclusive Offer Undiscovered Lijiang Set atop Lion Hill overlooking Lijiang’s Old Town, Amandayan offers guests staying two nights or more a range of exclusive privileges.Discover more