Build Resilience with Maria Sharapova


Curated and Hosted by Maria Sharapova


此外,Therabody 创始人 Jason Wersland 博士将加入该计划,向大家展示热身和身体恢复对于整体运动表现和身体健康的积极意义。

这一私密静修活动的参与者不超过八人,还将通过团体活动、用餐体验以及与玛丽亚和 Jason 博士的讨论让宾客汇聚一堂,为持续的身心健康设定个性化目标,并致力于激发职业抱负和个人志向。宾客还可欣赏到玛丽亚从 Aman Essentials 精选系列中精心挑选的最爱单品。

客人需提供有效的信用卡详细信息以担保预订。需在抵达前 15 天预付款。最少入住三晚。请在抵达前 15 天取消预订,以避免 2 晚住宿加税。提早出发、24 小时内取消或未入住将收取 100% 的费用。

Sample Itinerary 

This sample itinerary represents the daily activities and may be subject to minor adjustments.

Amanzoe, Greece - Maria Sharapova

Day 1
Understanding Mental Resilience

Welcome lunch and Introduction to Mental Resilience
An open table conversation with Maria around her experiences
Guided Meditation for Resilience
Hammam/ Anatripsis

Dinner at leisure

Day 2
Building Resilience Skills

Healthy bostani breakfast
Outdoor adventure and mobility session

Lunch at leisure
Body and mind agility on the court with Maria
Hammam/ Anatripsis

Dinner at leisure

Amanzoe, Greece - Main Resort Amanzoe, Greece - Maria Sharapova

Day 3
Resilience in Action

Trataka (candle gazing meditation)
Healthy breakfast
Dynamic workout
Cellgym session (20 minutes per person)

Lunch at leisure
Tennis clinic with Maria

Contrast therapy
Group dinner with Maria 

Day 4
Departure Day

Pranayama and sound bath
Breakfast and farewell


Accommodation & Meals

Three-night stay
Daily breakfast
Please note that lunch and dinner are not included and are charged separately.

Group Mindfulness Sessions

1 x Guided Meditation for Resilience
1 x Pranayama and sound bath
1 x Breathwork
1 x Trataka (candle gazing meditation)

Group Fitness Activities

1 x Outdoor adventure hiking, cycling with strength workout
1 x Dynamic cardio or strength workout 
Tennis clinic with Maria

Spa Treatments and Therapies

1 x Hamman treatment
1 x Anatripsis treatment 
1 x Cellgym session 
Contrast therapy (steam, sauna, cold plunge)

In-Room Amenities

Healthy snacks

Aman Essentials Wellness Kit
1 x Aman skincare kit (Purifying Pulse Point Remedy/111Skin face and eye masks/bath salts/body oil)
1 x Aman Essentials activewear set
1 x Aman Ocean Bottle
1 x Amanzoe baseball cap
1 x Aman activewear set

Be Inspired



Athlete-Inspired Essentials

Discover Maria's favourite resilience-boosting pieces from Aman Essentials. From calming candles and soothing fragrances to skincare saviours and yoga accessories, each piece allows you to create your own holistic wellness ritual in the comfort of home.

Aman New York, USA - Maria Sharapova Aman New York, USA - Wellness, Spa

Strength & Recovery at Aman New York

Experience the expertise of Maria Sharapova in the heart of Manhattan with a specially curated half-day programme designed to optimise performance.