Experiences at Amanoi


Amanoi_Hiking_Vietnam Amanoi Amanoi_Vietnam_Snorkelling


群山环抱的安缦诺怡,为探访幅员29000公顷之广的主山国家公园打开了一扇非比寻常的大门,而主山国家公园所在的联合国教科文组织主山生物圈保护区,亦因地貌景观丰富多彩、崎岖粗犷而享有“传奇仙境”的美誉,徒步穿行而游,满目尽是移步换景的原生态全景画卷,五彩斑斓的野生动植物惊艳点缀其间,生气盎然。从酒店出发的徒步路线纷繁多样,旅人既可以适合家庭老少的步调轻松闲游,在罕有人至的秘密海滩乐享美味野餐,亦可开启艰难跋涉之旅,探索峋石遍布的“Bai Da”或一览海湾风光卓绝的“Goga Peak”。





Sacred Cham experience

The journey starts at dusk with a gentle walk to our hidden spot set in the middle of nature. The Cham is well-known for their cuisine, thus a Cham feast is a requisite in this special journey. While enjoying dinner, allow your senses to embrace the beauty of nature, listen to the sounds of wildlife, feel the ocean breeze and gaze at the graceful ‘starry night’ sky. There are very few masters in a Cham society, due to high requirements of deep knowledge, practices and skills. Fortunately, a one-of-a-kind rendez-vous with a master is made for you right in the mystic jungle of Amanoi. Join him for a blessing ceremony in the Cham style - a truly unique and interesting way to feel something you have never experienced before.

Golf Experience 

Enjoy an off-site golf course rests between the majestic Nui Chua mountains and the sweeping sand dunes of the local beach. Perfect for golfers of all abilities, each of the 18 holes are designed with five different tees and offer a breathtaking backdrop for a memorable round. Whether a beginner or professional, the course makes the ideal half or full-day trip from Amanoi, with return transfers also available.  

Family Activities
