Ocean Adventures at Amanera

Located on the Dominican Republic’s northern shore, Amanera is set amongst nearly seven miles of continuous Atlantic seacoast overlooking Playa Grande beach from its cliff-top, making it an ideal location for ocean adventures. Just west along the coast from Amanera, Cabarete Bay stands as one of the world’s most celebrated kitesurfing spots. The Amanera team can arrange private lessons with leading kiting professionals, as well as surfing and stand-up paddleboarding (SUP) sessions.

amanera-accommodation-two-bedroom-casa.jpg Amanera, Domincan Republic - Paddle Board


枪鱼、金枪鱼、刺鲅与旗鱼等海洋巨物皆为多米尼加海岸附近海域的常客。安缦茵澜可为宾客安排专家带领的一日或半日远航海钓之旅,启程地点为距离酒店十分钟路程的Gri Gri湖。 




自里奥圣胡安出发,乘坐皮划艇或立式桨板沿海岸向东滑行,即可抵达Gri Gri湖,那里成片的红树林为诸多鸟类、鱼类和两栖动物提供了重要的生态系统。沿途景致更是令人心旷神怡——隐蔽的小海湾中,鱼跃水面,斑斓成群;清可见底的海床上,海胆、牡蛎点缀散布,生意盎然。待红树林观光之旅结束后,旅人亦可于天然池塘处驻足停留,浮潜探秘这座泻湖宁静温暖的水域。 

Surfing adventures

Reliable swells and rideable reef breaks make the Dominican Republic one of the Caribbean’s top surf destinations. Consistency is key to the island’s reputation, with good year-round waves and warm, wetsuit-free conditions. Amanera’s surrounding north coast is where Atlantic waters wash up against the boarder-loved beach town of Encuentro and other surf coves west of Cabarete, 90 minutes away. 

Closer to home, the often-empty reef break La Preciosa sits right next to Playa Grande, where surf is enjoyed all year long. Additionally, the right-handed El Barco break features a sunken ship, adding intrigue to the surf experience. Furthermore, the point break of Río San Juan is beloved by locals, offering diverse options for surf enthusiasts. Notably, surf lessons at Amanera are guided by a Dominican surf champion, ensuring top-notch instruction and an unforgettable experience on the waves.