Amanyara’s four-bedroom Beach Path Tranquility Villa features a dramatic infinity swimming pool and extensive lounging and dining areas. A path leads guests directly to the resort’s private stretch of beach, while at the villa, an abundance of outdoor space invites guests to reconnect, whether enjoying the sun deck, taking in the views from the lounging sala or dining together al fresco.
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安缦涯澜的四卧幽径别墅奢享 480 平方米(5,166 平方英尺)起居空间,一泓无边泳池波光荡漾,休闲区和用餐区开阔舒朗。沿着幽径信步前行,可直抵度假村内部的私人海滩;别墅内部亦附送开阔的户外活动空间,宾客可在此联络感情:可在阳光观景台共浴阳光,可在休闲凉亭携手赏景,亦可在露天共进晚餐。四间大卧室均带超大套内浴室,推拉门营造出内外交融的开放式居住空间。另外还配有挑高天花板的起居区与用餐区等社交区域,并配有专职厨师和管家可随时满足宾客的一应需求。别墅内部布置典雅,通过中性色调和软木家具营造出安宁祥和的温馨家居氛围。