Aman과 함께 축제 시즌을 만끽하세요
축제의 경이로움이 가득한 계절에 빠져보세요. 일정을 살펴보고 여정을 시작하세요.
1- 14 March
Aman Kyoto’s beautiful White Day ganache chocolates are handmade in three flavours, each shaped like a leaf to reflect the peace and beauty of Aman Kyoto’s tranquil forest. Packaged in a delicate wooden box, the chocolates include Cherry Blossom and Uji Sencha, Kamigamo Honey and Yuzu from Mizuo, Kamigamo Strawberry, and salty caramel flavours – each distinctive chocolate handcrafted from the finest cacao and imbued with the essence of local ingredients. Symbolising the innocence and purity of true love, White Day is celebrated on the 14 March every year in Japan, offering the chance to reciprocate gifts received a month before on Valentine’s Day.