Wellness & Fitness at Amanjiwo


Our facilities

  • スパスイート(ダブルトリートメントルーム付)
  • リラクゼーション用の屋外バレ(パビリオン)
  • 設備の整ったジムスイート
  • プライベートヨガレッスン
  • テニスコート
  • スイミングプール(全長40m)
Amanjiwo Amanjiwo Amanjiwo







Featured wellness experiences

Amanjiwo, Indonesia - Ruwatan Amanjiwo, Indonesia - Ruwatan

Ruwatan spiritual procession

An ancient Javanese purification ritual, the Rutawan spiritual procession takes place at the nearby Progo River. Renowned for its self-healing properties, Amanjiwo guests are invited to take part in the soul-restoring ceremony, performed by Joko Triagung, a local priest with lineage from the ancient Kingdom of Mataram.
A healer-shaman from Yogyakarta, Joko begins the procession with Javanese meditation, holy water blessing and Mantra recitation before hosting a personal spiritual counselling session. A truly moving experience, the procession is a symbol of releasing negative energy to the south Java Sea and leaves the mind, body and soul in alignment, with some even finding pain and illness alleviated.

Amanjiwo, Indonesia - Jemparingan Mataram Archery Amanjiwo, Indonesia - Jemparingan Mataram Archery

Jemparingan Mataram archery

The revered tradition and art of Jemparingan Mataram can be traced back to Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono, a revered Sultan of Yogyakarta - the completion of his Royal Palace in 1757 creating a sanctuary where the Sultan’s family and noble officers could gather to take part in the rigorous discipline of Jemparingan, an ancient form of archery.
Unfolding beautifully from a seated position, the bow’s position is of paramount importance, with even the slightest shift affecting the trajectory of the arrow released. Beyond the rules of play, Jemparingan sets itself apart from contemporary archery with its a rigid dress code that embodies Javanese heritage. A culturally enriching exchange, Amanjiwo guests can take part in a 60-minute lesson, individually or as part of a group, learning to use the bow and arrow, and wearing traditional attire.

Aman Advanced Facial

Made in Japan, Aman’s new functional skincare line, Essential Skin, is infused with powerful rice bran and indigo extracts, to achieve noticeably lifted, more radiant skin. Combining products from the Essentials Skin line with exfoliation and manual lifting techniques, the Aman Advanced Facial stimulates face muscles to improve the skin’s overall texture.

The treatment begins with ultrasonic scrubbing to loosen and remove oil and debris from the pores. Supported by electric muscle stimulation and massage to firm, and cryo bulbs to eliminate puffiness, the complexion appears brighter and tighter. The treatment continues with the application of a marine mineral mask to deeply hydrate, followed by Aman x 111Skin Nourishing Gold Algae hydrogel face and eye masks to achieve an exceptional glow. For a wholly rejuvenation process, the facial can be extended to incorporate a 15-minute scalp massage.

Aman Shop

The spa experience from the comfort of home

In recent years, Aman has grown to offer its coveted lifestyle beyond the parameters of its havens. Aman Skincare and Sva supplements harness powerful natural ingredients to provide balance and optimal wellbeing within and without, while Aman Fine Fragrance products bring the spirit of Aman into the comfort of home.